Join the army of Our Blessed Mother Mary through the Holy Rosary
Our world needs peace! Our world needs security! Our world needs freedom from fear of terrorist attacks, stabbing and other crimes that threaten human happiness.
Every day we turn on the TV only to learn about yet another terrorist explosion; people being stabbed to death; war devasting many countries; natural disaster claiming thousands of lives and properties, nuclear/cold war threat from Russia and North Korea and many other evils.
United Nations Forces put together are not able to stop the wars in Middle East and Africa. United Nations Peacekeeping Forces have not been able to restore peace to the world despite the huge amount of money spent each year to maintain it.
All the meetings between the United States of America and Russia/North Korea to resolve the issue of nuclear war, which poses a great threat to the world have not yielded any positive result.
All the countries in the world Intelligence Agencies put together have not been able to combat crimes in the world.
Counter-Terrorist Organisations in the world have not been able to prevent thousands of innocent lives being lost by terrorist attacks every day.
We could go on and on listing the evils in the world that no government or country has been able to stop. But, we should not be despondent because we have someone who promises peace to the world and She is always faithful to Her promises.
Our Blessed Mother Mary invites us, in this our turbulent world, to form an army with her to restore peace and security to the world. Her message to the three children of Fatima was:
“Pray the Rosary every day in honour of Our Lady of the Rosary to obtain peace in the world . . . for she alone can save it.” (Our Lady, July 13, 1917)
“God has placed peace in her hands, and it is from the Immaculate Heart that men must ask it.” (Jacinta, shortly before her death)
“When you pray the Rosary, say after each mystery: ‘O Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who have most need of your mercy.’ “(June 13, 1917)
(Every Rosary increases Mary’s power to crush the head of the Serpent and to destroy his evil power in the world).
Pope Pius IX has this to say:
“Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world.”
Bishop Fulton Sheen stated:
“What do nuclear warfare and serial killers have in common? What about corrupt and evil governments usurping the rights of its people, and horrific, unjust wars wrought upon Christians by radical Muslim forces? Each of these is a very real threat in our lives today; and yet, each of these evils has seen its destructive power rendered useless in the face of those praying the Rosary!
In our fight against evil, it is easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged when the darkness seems to be getting only deeper and its powers more forceful… That is why it’s so important to recall the mighty power of our God and prayer; and realize again, or for the first time, the immense power we have within our grasp! “
Sister Lucia, the eldest seer of Fatima has this to say:
“The Great Weapon of the 21st Century: in these times the Blessed Mother has granted even greater power to the Rosary. She said, “there is no problem, however difficult, whether temporal or spiritual; no problem in the life of families, religious communities, or the life of nations, that cannot be solved by the Rosary.” Pray the Rosary and help propagate it.
And Pope Pius XI advises us with this saying:
“If you desire peace in your hearts, in your homes, and in your country, assemble each evening to recite the Rosary. Let not even one day pass without saying it, no matter how burdened you may be with many cares and labours.”
My dear brothers and sisters let us come together and form the army of Our Lady! Let us through the Holy Rosary conquer the world for God! Let us through the Rosary restore peace to the world! Let us with Our Blessed Mother Mary conquer the world for her Son.
Our Blessed Mother Mary awaits us! Don’t let her be alone in that room at that time! She comes with her Son to pour blessings on us and on the whole world! Let us not miss those blessings and let us not deprive the world of receiving those blessings!
- Soldiers of Christ,
- Through Mary Our Mother
Daughters of Divine Love St Mary’s Parish Inverness