Some local post offices are telling people that no religious Christmas stamps are being produced this year. That is not true, Grant Street Post Office has plenty. It is well known that there is a movement to try and eradicate…
FRANCISCAN DAY OF REFLECTION Monday 1st December at St Thomas’, Keith AB55 5AL with Fr Max OFM Conv, FMM sisters and the Secular Franciscan Order. All welcome. Please contact Helen MacGilp (01463 792149) for details.
Sratherrick Quiet Day
STRATHERRICK QUIET DAY We invite you which will be held under the chairmanship of Fr. James Bell on Monday 8 Dec 2014 (Immaculate Conception of BVM) Here you can see the daily schedule: Starts 10.00 hrs. 12.30 hrs. Mass,…
Darek Malejonek Dzikie Serce
Dzikie Serce Muzyczne Świadectwo Darka Malejonka, członka zespołów: Armia, Arka Noego, założyciela zespołu Maleo Reggae Rockers. St. Mary’s Church Niedziela 23 listopada 2014 r. – 14.00 spotkanie dla rodzin z dziećmi po Mszy Św. o godz. 13.00 – 20.00 spotkanie…
Christmas Oratorio
Inverness Choral Society Christmas Oratorio J.S. Bach Sat 22 November 7.30 pm. Eden Court 01463 234234
St. Andrew Night, Andrzejki
St. Andrew’s Night, Andrzejki 29 November 2014 The party will take place in St. Mary’s Hall, Huntly Street, Inverness at 19:00-01:00. Live music provided by the group THE BROTHERS. Formal wear Tickets: £10.00 available after each Mass on Sundays. For more informations or to buy…
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