St Mary's, Inverness

Ask your MP to Oppose Abortion being legalised up until birth.

Ask your MP to support Early Day Motion 123 to Oppose Abortion being legalised up until birth.
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) is being forced by their leader, Cathy Warwick to support a campaign to allow abortion up until birth for any reason whatsoever. She did NOT consult her members on their views before implementing this new policy. 900 midwives have signed an open letter called ‘Not in Our Name’ opposing this new policy, and to express their anger and disappointment at the way this policy was impose on them without their consent. Additionally, over 40,000 people have now signed the accompanying ‘Not In Our Name’ petition on the Citizen Go website, which opposes the new policy.  MP Robert Flello has now tabled an Early Day Motion (EDM) 123 which opposes this policy being forced on the RCM, and calls for Cathy Warwick’s resignation. Please write to your MP asking them to add their signature to EDM 123.
To read more about EDM 123 visit:
To sign the Not In Our Name Petition visit: